The Everett Alumni Foundation was founded in April of 2015 to cultivate a rewarding network of Everett alumni and friends to enhance engagement and career development, and extend the principles of the Everett Program to the larger community by fostering mentorship and student support.
Signup, Reconnect, Catch Up!
Remember the friends you sweated through the 30 Series with? What about your partner teaching a lab, or your old Fellows’ Coordinator? Reconnect with the amazing people who played such a big part in your undergraduate years.
Connect to our social media platforms, subscribe to the newsletter, and attend (or host!) a meetup, and it will bring that spark back into your life!
Alumni Services
The Everett Alumni Foundation is here for you. Our collective knowledge of twenty years of innovative projects, circuitous career trajectories, and a universal need to help others is a resource more valuable than money. EAF is here to facilitate connections between alumni, current students, and friends of the program.
Support the Foundation
Help us sponsor more meetups, facilitate more connections, and support more promising students. Your continuing support allows us to maintain and expand on the work of the Alumni Foundation.
Support the Foundation
Job Postings
Job links posted or sent to us by former Everatti and GIIPers. If your org or company is hiring, please post a link to the Facebook or LinkedIn groups or send it to us. See All Job Postings >>
On Social Media
The best place to get updates and engage in active discussion is currently our Facebook Group. We have a growing LinkedIn community as well. Please hop on over to one of those and join the conversation!
Meet The BEAF
The Board of the Everett Alumni Foundation (BEAF) consists of five individuals with a passion for extending the unique and important things we did in GIIP and the Everett Program into our post-college lives. Members of the board volunteer their time to building the alumni network and do not draw a salary for service.

Hanami Sutton
Hanami is Managing Partner at Made by Super, a design agency in Los Angeles, specializing in brand identity and user interface design for a wide range of industries. She began her career at the Global Information Internship Program where she helped design newsletters, pamphlets, and business cards. She is excited to be part of the EAF board, which has given her the opportunity to reconnect with members of the alumni community and continue Everett’s mission of fostering mentorships and supporting students.

Andrew Carl
Andrew is currently on sabbatical after 5 years with Tesla as a senior engineering manager supporting the global delivery and installation of solar and battery systems. As a fellow of Everett Program (back when it was GIIP!), Andrew taught the Technolo- gy Essentials and Intro to Web Development lab, as well as ran a tech camp for members of the Homeless Garden Project. On the side he plays in a rock band in San Francisco and is very passionate about renewable energy and cooking.

Sierra Topp
Sierra is the Donor Relations Manager at Second Harvest Food Bank Santa Cruz County. She works as an active member in county-wide collaborative efforts to increase awareness of food insecurity in the Santa Cruz community. Prior to that, she was a Fellow of the Everett Program, where she worked on the Youth Empowerment Institute. After graduation, was an Executive Fellow leading the engagement team and was the Project Manager for the Dolores Huerta Foundation gerrymandering project. She loves working with the Everett community and is excited to grow more relationships with students and alumni.

Thomas Gelder
Thomas Gelder is the former Lead Technologist at the Everett Program. He supported the Fellows who teach tech labs and works to broaden the program’s technological scope as well as consulting with current students. In pursuit of his passion for education and teaching, from 2012 to 2015 he directed the Youth Empowerment Institute, a summer camp that empowers youth of South Santa Cruz County. Thomas is a massive process geek, obsessing over productivity, efficiency, and automation as a hobby rather than a work skill. He is elated to be involved in the EAF as it gives him an opportunity to give back to the program that defined his college experience and gave him a direction in life.

Mai Sutton
Mai Sutton is a freelance organizer and writer based in Oakland, California, focused on the intersection of human rights, solidarity economics, and the digital commons. She is a steward of a community mesh network in Oakland, California. She was formerly at Shareable as Community Engagement Manager and before that was a Global Policy Analyst at the Electronic Frontier Foundation. As an undergraduate she was a Fellow and Coordinator for the Everett Program. In 2008,
Maira worked in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia as a legal researcher and tech intern with Sisters in Islam. She loves seeing EAF board members’ faces on their weekly video calls and wants others to be able to forge close bonds with fellow Everett alumni.

Sienna Thorgusen
Sienna Thorgusen is currently a PhD student in sociology at SUNY Stony Brook. With over ten years of experience as a teacher, tutor, and mentor, she has deep roots in education and nonprofit work. As a Branch Director of the Boys and Girls Club, Sienna enjoyed working with youth to stimulate intellectual curiosity and enhance cultural experiences. She feels honored to be a part of this new and exciting dimension of the Everett Program and to continue supporting the ingenuity of young people who are doing their part to minimize social injustice, worldwide.

Huckleberry Fergathor
Brand Ambassador
Huckleberry leverages his status as a non-human animal to devote his 40 hours per week to developing the network for Everett and GIIP Alumni. Huckleberry spends most of his time in a mailbox and is deathly affraid of cats, loud noises and other potential threats in addition to a number of abstract, intangible concepts. Huck spreads the message and esprit de corps of GIIP and Everett through kisses and adorable stares.